Thursday, August 30, 2012

This week....

I started this blog with good intentions! I was going to try to write on here more often, but alas, work does get in the way. My annual show, 'Olde Salem Days' is September 8th, and I have been working since June to be ready for it. It's almost here!

Actually, when it comes to work, I haven't been doing much of that this week. My hands are getting worse by the day, and I've done almost everything that I need to do. yay! So, that just leaves homework to be done.

I am taking a class on Javascript, JQuery and AJAX. Basically they are computer and web programming languages. Computer programming is really not my 'cup of tea' (huge understatement), but I need the class in order to complete the requirements for my certificate. I was hoping to finish the certificate this semester, but it will have to be in the Spring. I simply can't handle more than one class right now.

If you want to see what I have been up too with new designs and sewing, I have just posted on my other blog. I've been busy with that too!

"He widens our path under our feet" - Psalm 18

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Here we go...

As most of my friends know, I'm not much of a blogger. However, I am attempting to do a personal blog along with the blog I keep for my business. I have a couple reasons - firstly, I want to be able to write more about my personal life than I can on my business blog, and secondly, there are some things that I would rather not post about on facebook for obvious reasons. A personal blog gives me much more freedom on both fronts. There are many people who I love and do not often see anymore (you know who you are!), and I would like a way to have more contact, especially since they might not be on facebook.

So, I'm going to try this. I'll try not to leave it alone for long periods of time!